the latest innervoice blog posts
the latest innervoice blog posts
dedicated to helping people on the autism spectrum
Lois Jean Brady
Lois Jean Brady has over 25 years of experience as a practicing speech-language pathologist, assistive technology specialist and Certified Autism Specialist (CAS). Lois is a proud board member for California Communications Access Foundation (CCAF) and Board of Advisors for International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES).
Career accomplishments include winner of three Autism Hackathons, Benjamin Franklin Award for Apps for Autism, and an Ursula Award for Autism Today TV. In addition to Apps for Autism, she has co-authored Speech in Action and Speak, Move, Play and Learn with Children on the Autism Spectrum. She has authored two professional development courses on the topics of technology and animal-assisted therapy. Lois gives international presentations to both family members and fellow professionals at conventions and seminars on autism and technology. She is currently researching and developing engaging, multi-sensory products to enhance communication, attention, social cognition, and quality of life for individuals with autism.
In 2015, Lois earned a grant through the National Science Foundation’s Small Business Innovative Research program. Lois served as the principal investigator to design, build, and research a synthesized emotional communication system. Lois has joined with NewSchools Venture Fund to create EdTech Tools for all students to improve educational outcomes and quality of life. She has received additional grants and awards from Autism Speaks, ANCA and Educational App Store.
Lois is registered in animal-assisted therapy. Buttercup, her potbelly pig, frequently accompanies her in therapy sessions and is a huge motivator for all.

Matthew Guggemos
Matthew Guggemos is the co-founder and chief technology officer of iTherapy. He is also a speech-language pathologist, certified autism specialist, researcher, and a drummer. Matthew’s design ideas are guided by his professional background as a speech-language pathologist and inspired by his own research into skill mastery.
Notably, Matthew received the 2013 Mensa Intellectual Benefits to Society Award for his design contributions to InnerVoice. He was director of research on a 2015 National Science Foundation Small Business Innovative Research Grant , which provided the emotional communication technology for InnerVoice.
In May of 2018, Scientia published Matthew and Lois Brady’s work in an article called “Multi-Sensory Tools for Autism.” This article discussed the variety of concepts woven into InnerVoice as well as Matthew and Lois’s unique autism language intervention techniques.
In addition to his work with iTherapy, Matthew’s music project Drum Language examines how music and language share the unique ability to create, send, and receive complex ideas through sound alone.